Arkansas Adventure: Jonquils in Bloom

The Jonquil season is just about over because with the temperatures rising, these flowers are fading fast. Last weekend was the Jonquil Festival at Historic Washington State Park, but you can still find some of the flowers blooming. Before the festival we made a few trips up to Washington to see the flowers and try to catch some amazing blooms. This is my favorite part of Spring. So let’s go on an Arkansas Adventure to see what we can find and I hope you make your own trip here to see what is still blooming! 

field of jonquils
The flowers by the Royston Log home were somewhat out but still hadn’t reached peak bloom. There are quite a few bare spots where flowers were at one time. (I worked at the park for 10 years and have been going/working at the festival for 14 years.) I am hoping maybe it was an off year for them and next year they will be blooming all along the hill. The ones blooming were vibrant and standing up pretty good.
Single Jonquil
This was taken by the Royston Log home behind the big Magnolia tree as well. The white petals and the yellow center says Spring to me. These are mostly gone now but you can still find a few. The favorite thing about this photo is the way the back petal almost looks like it is fading into the background of the picture. 
Jonquils with water drops
These lovely ones were on the back side of the 1940’s WPA Gym. This day, it had been raining on and off, but leaving a gray cloud. This makes for wonderful light to shoot with. It is almost like a giant diffuser which helps with the overly bright light (like in the next photo) and allows the colors to pop!  If you look you can also see the rain drops I was able to capture. The orange middle ones are secretly my favorites. But the full yellow ones will always have a spot in my heart. 
Jonquils in front of old house
It was sunny during the festival which caused the bright, almost harsh light. The Royston Town home is seen in the background. It is currently getting some work done to it. The jonquils being framed by the fence is what caught my eye. I thought about cropping it down to where the fence line was at the top of the picture but it didn’t look right to me. The background gives it a depth with the darkness to the home. 

These are just a couple of the pictures I took this Jonquil season. I am hoping to grab some pictures of the vintage roses at the 1914 school house when they bloom. Along with the roses behind the Purdom Medical home this Spring. What is your favorite flower to see a picture of? Or a place here in Arkansas? I can’t wait for you to share in the comments!!

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