Focusing through the lens Archives - Alicia Dowell

Focusing through the lens

Throwing snow
Focus through the lens

Focusing Through the Lens: Week 40

This past week has been a little different than most weeks. To begin with, we had quite a bunch of snow hit us. This was combined with temperatures we have not seen in many years. So this week, Focusing through the Lens is brought to you from my home base. We were stationed at home for the greater part of the week. So let’s get our coats on, grab your warm boots, and let’s see what is focusing through the lens. If you got snow, I hope you got to go enjoy it a little, even if snow/cold are not your cup of tea. I have a few more photos to share of our snow week. Are you a snow fan? Summer more your jam? Tell me about it! Until next we meet.

natural winter decor
Focus through the lens

Focusing Through the Lens: Week 38

Well hello my dears! It appears the last time I posted was last year. How did time get away from me? Usually, I take two weeks off but the past year/couple of months have been a trying time for us all. Even though it has been a little while since I last posted, I have some Christmas/Winter themed photos for this week’s focusing through the lens. Let’s grab our jackets, gloves, and a hot drink to see what is focusing through the lens. That is it for this week my dears! I am planning on keeping on a better schedule this year than 2020. I hope you will join me as we see what is focusing through the lens as this year unfolds. Until next time!

Lake Catherine in the Fall
Focus through the lens

Focusing Through the Lens: Week 37

Hello my lovelies! Here we are at week 37 of my weekly series. This week we are going to visit Lake Catherine State Park. Well to be honest, I visited here a couple of weeks ago. Right now I am unable to explore due to an injury but hopefully soon I will be able to get out. However, our trip along a hiking trail at Lake Catherine State Park will still be fun! So grab your water container (never forget your water), hiking shoes, map, and see what is focusing through the lens. Thank you for coming on our trip. I can’t wait to hear what you think about this trip. If you liked anything please share. Until our next adventure, y’all be careful and get out and see what is out there.

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