The magic of words and new Word for 2024

2023 was the year of magic for myself. I spent the year soaking up, finding and exploring magic in everyday life. I didn’t share much of my year of magic on here but there was a lot of events which allowed me to see the magic.

One of the big things of everyday magic for me was finishing my first Master’s degree. For a year and half, I spent toiling through graduate school, starting a new career of teaching, and learning how to be myself! It was for sure a magical year for me as a person. As the year closed, I got my degree, ended my first semester of second year of teaching and listen to what myself wants to do and who I am.

2024 is currently almost two months old and it is starting to feel like it is time to crawl out of my hibernation hole and start my year. Taking the first two months of the year as a quite time to myself and getting everything ready for the new year works for me. I understand this is doesn’t work for most people however, as I have gotten older, things have shifted and still learning what works for myself.

We have talked about 2023 and why I waited until now to share my 2024 word of the year. So are you wondering what my word for this year is? This year is a little different for me. I am going to reuse my 2023 word: Magic. This word I feel like there is some much more I can experience with this word. I am excited to see what what magic 2024 brings and I get to enjoy!

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