Three Little Pumpkins

Labor Day usually means Fall is just around the corner. If you have been in a craft store in the last couple of weeks, I can tell you the fall items are out as well as Christmas. However, the fall items make me so happy. I love the the cooler temperatures and the rapid approach of the holidays.  Also all the crafts which go with this season. (September through December) I recently got a chance to make some cute little pumpkins.

I saw these on Pinterest and thought they were too cute not to try. The idea of painting the pumpkins was a little scary since I am not really a painter but really do like to paint. So I started out with three simple wine glasses from Dollar Tree.

These were only $1 each so they didn’t break the bank. I painted bottom part orange to make the pumpkin. It took three coats to get the coverage I wanted.


The green part only took two coats to get the coverage I wanted but I added one more coat to make it even with the bottom part. I have issues with things not being even. 


The final part was to paint the faces on the orange. I tried to draw the faces on but found out very quickly drawing would not work. This meant I had to just free style the faces. I will have to say not too shabby for my first time free styling faces. 


Aren’t they cute?!?! I am happy how they turned out. I did end up sticking candles on top so they would work as a centerpiece. They also went to my county fair this past week and I won 2nd place out of Halloween centerpieces. Are you crafting anything?? Share in the comments!

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