his year is the third year I have participated in Arkansas Women Bloggers handmade ornament exchange. Since Christmas is my favorite time of the year, I was excited when this was announced we would do this again. I signed up right away and waited to be paired with another blogger who was going to get my ornament. A couple of months ago the email arrived and I was paired with Talya from Grace Grits and Gardening. Go check her out! I promise you like her.
Now, the blogger who got my name is Jodie from The Coffee House Life. She is a wonderful sweet lady and a great friend.
Now I have the joy to know her in real life but we are from the same town. When she came to the gym at work, I thought she was there to come help with wreath making for Christmas and Candlelight. However, she brought me a box.
Cute is the box! She wanted to give it to me before she forgot. When I opened it up she had left me a card.
In the note, she said the acorn caps came from their own place and her and her little coffees are going to be making one for themselves. Glitter Bug could not wait to get this on the tree.
It is an amazing fit on our tree. I love how Momma Coffee spent time to figure out something great for us. See our tree will never grace magazine covers or be featured on blogs but it is our tree and tells amazing stories about our life.
The bottom part has never had lights put on it. This goes back to when Glitter Bug was a baby/toddler and loved to pull lights to look at them.
And here is our ornament from my parents when we moved into our very own home.
Remember this from last year? This is from last year’s ornament exchange.
And this one was the first ornament my parents gave Hubby and I when we had our first place together way back in 2005.
Share your favorite ornament in the comments! Can’t wait to hear all about them.