Dear Daughter,
You don’t know it but you have made me one proud Mom. I am so glad to call you mine. Well, I really have been since the day your dad and I found out you were hanging out in my stomach. However, this past week you became a very independent young lady.
We all went to your eye doctor appointment since you failed your eye exam at school. None of us where really wanting to go but there we all were. You wanted Daddy to go with you but I knew I was the one who needed to go back with you. See Moms just know sometimes no one else will work. As the decision was given to you about needing glasses you looked so sad and upset.
When asked why you were upset you told me: “It’s because I have to get glasses and everyone is going to make fun of me.” My heart broke when you spoke these words. You have to go back to school and there was no way I could stop the teasing from happening. All I could tell you is you will be able to see better and you will be fine. However, inside I was hurting for you.
Then you did something which surprised your Dad and I. When you put your glasses on and could see so much better, your whole attitude about glasses changed. There you were all smiles and so happy.
Right then and there, you made the decision to keeping your head up, keep smiling and not care what people thought. In that moment, there was another step toward growing up you took all by yourself. Even though I miss my little girl who would snuggle at every chance, the young lady you are turning into makes up for the missed snuggles. I pray you will keep growing and keeping your head held high and always remember Momma is always here for you.