Focusing Through The Lens: Week 22

With all the guidelines with social distancing, travel, and everything, we have been staying home more but still going on adventures without a lot of people. This week, let’s go to Brushy Creek/Cossatot River for our Focusing Through the Lens

Cossatot River Teal hue to the river.
We snuck away to Brushy Creek a couple of weeks ago. The weather was perfect to play in the water. The water is this teal hue to it this day we went. When the Sun hit the water just right, it looked like the water had diamonds glittering along the top. What you don’t see, is just out of the camera range, Glitter and her cousin were playing in the water. They were fine with the initial shock of the cooler water but when it was time to go, they didn’t want to leave the water.
Clear water around bank with a heart shaped rock
The water closer to the bank was so clear. I have seen this super clear water before but it was when I was kid and my parents took us to the Ozark Mountains. This trip Hubby showed me this heart shaped rock right in the clear part of the river. We didn’t pick it up but left it where it should be.
Cossatot River wide view with teal hue
Another view of the river. This view reminds me of how much beauty is right here in my home state. I hope Glitter remembers how much our state has to offer.
Glitter Bug sitting on a rock along the trails
When I see how much Glitter has grown up, I am shocked. Most days, I still think of her as the chubby little toddler roaming around. Anytime someone told her growing up is going to pass in a flash, I would tell myself I am going to remember. However, I slipped up on me and here we are beating on the door of teenagerhood.

I hope you have enjoyed our walk/play through Brushy Creek/Cossatot River. Have you ever been to this area or want to go? Share about your trip in the comments.

1 Comment

  • I was shocked when I saw this picture of GB. She’s growing so fast. Gah!! Love the heart shaped rock, too.

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