A lost list and Year word.

Usually at the beginning of each year, I like many others pick a word for the coming year. Last year, I tried out 19 things for 2019. This didn’t work out very well for me. Instead, I forgot the list and just kind of made it through the year like most of us. Towards the end of the year, things started turning around for me and I didn’t mind the list was lost. However, for 2020 I wanted to go back to a word to help me focus. This has been something which was picked really about November but keeping close to flesh out how this could help my goals for this new year.

Through a series of events which included attending national business/social media conference and started a weekly series on my blog (Thank you for all who have read and I promise it is coming back), I began to realize it was time to start focusing on what I wanted to do. This lead me to keep circling back to the word: self.

I have always thought self as selfish and narcissistic but as I have gotten older maybe it doesn’t have to mean something negative. I am learning there are many things associated with self: self care, self expression, self acceptance, self discovery, or self reliant. Maybe there are some good things with self for me to look for.

2020 is going to be my self year. I hope you will take this little journey with me. Do you pick a word for the year? How do you feel about the word “self?”


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