2021 Word for the Year

Here is it is three months into the new year but I have been sitting holding on to my word, savoring how I could use this to help me get things done for this year.

As for my word for the year, I thought about it. Mulled over what how I used last year’s word, Self. This helped me take the leap to open my Etsy shop and spend more time enjoying what I like to do. I am working on stepping into my goals and not being sorry for who I am.

his year, I wanted to continue on growing. As I started thinking about a word for this year, the word BE kept sticking out. I would see it all over the place in different phrases or just the word. BE started rolling around in my headspace.

I am not sure how this word will help shape my year but I am excited to see how this year turns out. I can’t wait to share how things happen and how things be for me. Do you pick a word for the year? Are you a goal setter? How has your 2021 started out for the first 3 months? Let’s connect in the comments! Until next time dears.

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