This week is going to be a little different with photos. Usually I shoot with my trusty Canon Rebel t6 but this past week, I didn’t really use my camera. Hubby and I ran away to celebrate 14 years of being married and even though the camera was with us, I didn’t really get it out much. Which means this weeks pictures will be the ones I got with my iphone. Now, don’t hate on them yet. They aren’t bad but wanted to give you a heads up. So let’s jump in the getaway and see what is focusing through my lens!
This is the front of Petit Jean Coffee House. The deck has a place where you can sit and enjoy your breakfast or if you stay at the Airbnb (early risers are a must) you have your own table and pair of chairs. Trust me, you won’t regret your stay there. Y’all, the breakfast was on point!! This is one of the advantages of being an early riser. Stephanie is an amazing cook and this was our breakfast for Saturday and Sunday. Truthfully this was Sundays breakfast. No picture of Saturdays because I inhaled it. Hubby got coffee and I was introduced to Chai Tea latte. Oh my y’all!! The taste is just like smelling Christmas and feeling home. It has quickly became one of my new favorite teas. Also they serve brown bag lunches you are going to want to try! Another shot of the deck at the coffee shop. Promise we didn’t spend our entire weekend there but seriously this place is amazing and so peaceful. I just happened to set my phone down and saw this. I thought it was neat. Even though most of our time, we were able enjoy some outside time, I am still dreaming of Fall. I have always loved Fall/Winter believe it or not. I love the beauty of things letting go after being with us for the last two seasons. Also the beauty of things needing to take a pause to regroup and regrow. Even though Summer is in full force, lots of craft stores have Fall times out and my little heart is happy! I have been looking at these lovely bouquets of Autumn flowers and hoping to grab one before they are sold out. Also the simplicity of leaves, dried oranges, pinecones and dried leaves, just make them pop to me.
I hope you have enjoyed what has been focusing through my lens. I have enjoyed sharing with y’all. Are you a Fall fan? Or have you been to the Petit Jean Coffee house yet? Let’s get social in the comments and don’t forget to share this to social media!
1 Comment
Impatiently waiting for fall. I love the coffeehouse. I can’t wait to get back up there for a visit-as soon as it cools off.